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QuoteMedia User Management Web Service APIs

End User Web Services

QuoteMedia's End User web service allows the creation and management of user accounts by QuoteMedia clients. The service is provided to clients that wish to control the entitlements of users for such products as Quotestream (Real-time Applications) or QuoteMedia Portfolios. The service is also used for clients to control specific product access (manage subscriptions for data and product levels).

Portfolio Web Services

The QuoteMedia Portfolio Web Service provides the ability for a client to manage the creation, modification and deletion of portfolio and portfolio contents for the end user. The service is offered through JSON REST and portfolio functions are performed on a per-user basis. Connections must be made to the server over HTTPS and must be authenticated by providing the required credentials.

Contact Us

We would love to discuss QuoteMedia Data Solutions with you. If you have any questions or you would like a demo, please reach out to us. We look forward to meeting you.