Ownership and Shareholders

The Ownership/Shareholders module provides you with the ability to view important data on shareholder positions for a particular stock, whether it be an Insider's position or ownership of that of a particular fund.

Enter the symbol in the leftmost drop-down menu for the company you wish to view this data. From here, the next drop-down box allows you to choose between viewing Holders information or Insiders. If you select "Holders" the next drop-down box gives you the option of displaying Owners, Funds, or both Owners & Funds. To view the history of a particular holder select this option and you will see a quarter by quarter historical listing (including both the holding for each quarter and how much this has changed since the previous quarter), as well as the current position and most recent change.

You can also view more detail for the current holdings by selecting "Current Positions" instead of "History." From here you will see information indicating the percentage and total shares held, percentage of the respective portfolio, most recent position update. source of this information, total equity assets of the fund, as well as other columns in relation to each fund.

The Insiders option provides users with the ability to view both current insider positions, as well as each insider transaction. The Current Positions drop-down lists number of shares and indicates whether these are direct or indirect holdings and the source of the most recent update. The Transactions option displays each individual insider transaction, indicating whether it was a purchase or a sale, number of shares, price, and date. It should be noted that the above columns are all sort-able so you can view based on whichever priority you want to give.